How to treat arthrosis

arthrosis treatment methods

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease in which cartilage is destroyed in adjacent bone structures. The disease is widespread throughout the world.

The main cause of the pathology is a violation of metabolic processes. Predisposing factors are congenital malformations, internal inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, trauma and overweight. With age, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis increases.

Treatment of arthrosis is a complex and time-consuming process. In this case, it is not enough just to take various pills to reduce the symptoms. It will be necessary to carry out other measures that contribute to the inhibition of the progression of the disease. Without them, the risks of complications and disability increase several times.

Brief description of the disease

Before talking about how to treat arthrosis, it is necessary to say a few words about what it is and what the development of the disease is fraught with. Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic processes. During its development, the following processes take place:

  • the density and elasticity of cartilage decrease, they cease to perform their shock-absorbing functions;
  • the level of friction between the bones increases, which leads to their gradual destruction and deformation, the formation of sharp corners on the surface;
  • sharp elements dig into nearby tissues, provoking their inflammation;
  • motor functions are partially or completely impaired.

Deforming arthrosis has severe symptoms. Most often, patients complain of pain and swelling in the joints, as well as a crunch, limited movement, and morning stiffness.

Unfortunately, arthrosis cannot be permanently cured. You can get rid of it only in one case - if the disease was detected at the initial stages of development. But since at this phase it is asymptomatic, most patients do not even suspect that they have a pathology and, accordingly, do not carry out any treatment. And when symptoms appear, irreversible processes occur in the joints that cannot be eliminated.

As for the factors provoking the development of pathology, the following reasons should be distinguished:

  • trauma;
  • hypothermia;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive physical labor;
  • professional sports;
  • malnutrition;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases, etc.

Fundamentals of treatment

Can arthritis be cured? No. This disease is not treatable. But that doesn't mean you don't have to deal with it. The lack of therapy can lead to serious consequences - the pathology will progress, the person will lose his ability to work and become disabled. Therefore, despite the fact that the methods used do not allow to get rid of the disease, it must be treated!

With the development of arthrosis (any of its types, coxarthrosis, osteoarthritis, etc. ), a single treatment regimen is used, which includes:

  • taking medications that help relieve pain and stop the progression of the disease;
  • weight loss and proper nutrition;
  • exercise therapy classes;
  • massages;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

With arthrosis, a very important point is the fight against excess weight, if any. Excess kilograms is an additional load on the ligamentous apparatus, which causes the rapid progression of the disease. Therefore, if the patient's body weight exceeds the norm, he urgently needs to lose weight. But fasting is contraindicated. In this case, dietary nutrition is selected individually.

As for the food itself, it also has limitations. For any type of arthrosis, it is worth abandoning the use of foods high in purines. It:

  • meat of young animals;
  • mushroom, meat, vegetable and fish broths;
  • jellied dishes;
  • meat sauces, gravies;
  • offal;
  • smoked meat;
  • oily fish;
  • salty and spicy cheeses;
  • caviar;
  • cocoa, black tea, coffee;
  • refractory fats;
  • legumes;
  • products prepared on the basis of grapes;
  • bakery products made from yeast dough, etc.

The doctor should tell you in detail about how to eat after identifying osteoarthritis or other types of DOA. Eating properly, the patient will be able to prevent the accumulation of uric acid salts in the body and avoid serious complications.

Also, talking about how to treat arthrosis, it should be noted that massages and physiotherapy exercises must be performed without fail. But not on your own! Massages should be carried out only by specialists, as any wrong action can lead to complications. And exercise therapy under the supervision of a doctor is carried out only for the first time, then the patient can perform physical exercises at home.


Medicines will not help cure arthrosis forever. But they will provide a reduction in symptoms and stop pathological processes in the joints, which will normalize their motor functions and significantly improve the patient's condition.

As a rule, the treatment of arthrosis includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs have several actions at once:

  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • have an antipyretic effect.

NSAIDs are available in several forms - tablets, ointments, rectal suppositories, solutions for intramuscular injection. As practice shows, they quickly eliminate the pain syndrome and their effect lasts for a long time. But this group of drugs has several disadvantages. It is impossible to take them for more than 5-7 days, since the components contained in them have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. And this, in turn, can cause an exacerbation of peptic ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as the appearance of side effects such as diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, etc.

NSAIDs can be taken only with the permission of a doctor. Incorrectly selected dosage can lead to an exacerbation of arthrosis and even greater destruction of cartilage and bone tissue!

In severe cases, when the treatment of deforming arthrosis with NSAIDs does not give positive results, corticosteroids are used. As a rule, they are introduced into the body by injection into the joint capsule. Unlike NSAIDs, the effect of corticosteroids lasts for several months. But you can’t use them more than 4 times a year, as they also negatively affect the condition of the joints.

Important! NSAIDs and corticosteroids are symptomatic drugs. They do not cure arthrosis, but simply eliminate its unpleasant manifestations.

Analgesics are also used to relieve pain. Unlike NSAIDs, these drugs do not contribute to the removal of inflammatory processes, but they eliminate pain much better. And if the patient has muscle spasms, then antispasmodics are used to stop them. The greatest effect is given by analgesics and antispasmodics in the form of solutions for intramuscular injection.

Deformed joints and bones are also treated with chondroprotectors. And if the above groups of drugs give only a symptomatic effect, then these drugs have a therapeutic effect. They contain substances that help restore the nutrition of damaged tissues, restoring their integrity.

Chondroprotectors act slowly. To achieve a positive result from them, they must be taken continuously for at least six months. But if the disease has reached stage 3 or 4, their reception will be meaningless.

In addition, vasodilators are also often used in the treatment of arthrosis. They provide improved blood flow, as well as the elimination of spasm in small vessels. Apply such funds in combination with chondroprotectors.

Physiotherapy procedures

In addition to drug therapy, arthrosis is also treated with the help of physiotherapy procedures. They also do not help cure the disease, but contribute to a significant improvement in the patient's well-being. The most popular among them are:

  • Shock wave therapy (SWT). The action of this procedure is aimed at eliminating the main cause of pain that occurs with arthrosis. It eliminates spike-like bone processes - osteophytes. Of course, this does not happen immediately, but gradually. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, osteophytes soften and eventually dissolve. In addition, SWT improves blood circulation in the pathological focus and normalizes metabolism. But, despite the effectiveness of this procedure, its use is possible only in the early stages of the development of the disease. In addition, it has many contraindications.
  • Myostimulation. This procedure involves the application of electrical impulses that cause muscle contraction. Its implementation is advisable for bedridden patients and in cases of severe injuries, when exercise therapy becomes impossible. Thanks to the stimulation of the muscles, there is an increase in their tone and an improvement in blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the course of arthrosis.
  • Phonophoresis. This procedure is carried out using ultrasonic waves with the simultaneous use of drugs. Waves enhance the effect of drugs. Thanks to them, they are delivered directly to the pathological focus, which greatly enhances their therapeutic effect.
  • Ozone therapy. It involves the introduction of a gas mixture into the joint capsule. The main actions are the relief of inflammatory reactions, the reduction of pain, the improvement of motor functions. As a rule, ozone therapy is prescribed in a course that includes several injections. Their number depends on the severity of the course of arthrosis.

Important! Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account contraindications and the severity of the course of the disease.


Can osteoarthritis be cured with exercise therapy? The answer is the same - no. Therapeutic exercises are prescribed to patients to develop joints and improve motor functions. Performing special exercises also contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in pathological foci and increased supply of nutrients to the affected tissues.

All physical exercises are also selected individually. First, they are performed under the strict supervision of a specialist, then they can be done independently, at home.

exercise therapy for arthritis

Massage and manual therapy

They are used to treat osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) and other types of arthrosis. These procedures provide heating of the diseased area, elimination of spasms, normalization of blood circulation. Massages and manual therapy are carried out exclusively by a specialist. They can be done both in the stage of remission and during the period of exacerbation.


Mechanotherapy is a special type of gymnastics, during which all physical exercises are performed using special simulators. They contribute to an increase in the load on the body, while preventing damage to diseased joints. Like physical therapy, mechanotherapy provides an increase in muscle tone and improves blood circulation.

Joint traction

The essence of the procedure is the mechanical "stretching" of the joints with the help of a special apparatus. One session lasts about 15-20 minutes. The full course includes 10-12 procedures, carried out every six months. Stretching the joints helps to relieve them of the load, slow down the progression of arthrosis and reduce pain.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine also effectively helps to get rid of pain that occurs against the background of osteoarthritis, coxarthrosis and other types of disease. But as in other cases, they do not provide a cure for the pathology, so you should not place high hopes on them.

Important! Folk remedies should be used as adjuvant therapy in combination with other treatments that have been prescribed by a doctor.

home ointment

For its preparation you will need:

  • animal fat (for example, pork) - 1 cup;
  • unrefined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • birch buds - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • propolis - 50 g.

The ointment is prepared as follows. First, animal fat is melted, brought to a boil and birch buds are added to it. Then the resulting composition is simmered in a water bath for about 2-3 hours and cooled to room temperature. After that, propolis is added (it is pre-ground on a grater) and the ointment is stirred until it dissolves. And the last ingredient is vegetable oil. Next, the product is left in a cool place until completely cooled and filtered.

Apply the ointment as needed, depending on the degree of pain, but not more than 5 times a day. It should be noted that such a remedy has not only an analgesic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used not only for arthrosis. It will also help with arthritis, osteochondrosis and bronchitis. It can be used for both adults and children.

cabbage leaf

An effective remedy for joint pain. It is applied as follows. A large leaf of white cabbage is taken, placed on the inside of the affected area, and fixed with a warm bandage on top. The compress is left overnight. To enhance the effect, the leaf is smeared with honey.

Medicinal compresses

Every pharmacy sells drugs that are inexpensive and sold without a doctor's prescription. For example, Dimexide. This remedy has a good analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. It improves metabolism and enhances blood circulation.

To put a compress, you need to take a gauze napkin folded in several layers, moisten it in a solution and apply it to the sore joint, after lubricating it with some vegetable oil. On top you need to attach polyethylene and make a warm bandage. Keep the compress for about 20-30 minutes. Do before bed.

Wine compress

Available in several versions:

  • 280 g of linden or flower honey is melted in a water bath, then 350 ml of radish juice is added, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 120 g of fortified red wine. All components are thoroughly mixed and cooled. It is applied as follows - about 10-15 g of the mixture is rubbed into the sore spot, and then a warm bandage is applied for 30-40 minutes. The duration of treatment is 30 days.
  • First, a medicinal mixture is prepared. To do this, red wine and bee venom are mixed in a container in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting composition is slightly heated, and then a gauze napkin is moistened in it and applied to the damaged joint, a warm bandage is made on top. Hold the compress for 30 minutes.
  • This compress will require 150 g of radish. It is rubbed on a fine grater, and then mixed with 2 tsp. guilt. The resulting slurry is placed on the tissue and applied to the joint. Polyethylene is necessarily applied from above, and the limb is wrapped with a warm scarf or towel. Hold the compress for 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 5 weeks.

garlic juice with oil

Peel the garlic cloves, put them through a press and squeeze the juice out of them. Mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 10. If there is no olive oil, you can use corn oil, but in this case the proportion will be 1: 12. The resulting mixture should be taken in 1 tsp. every day before breakfast.

Decoction of cranberries

For its preparation, you will need lingonberry leaves. 1 st. l. raw materials are poured into 250 ml of water, and then put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the finished broth is cooled and filtered. Take it in small sips throughout the day.

Infusion of blackcurrant leaves

1 st. l. crushed blackcurrant leaves pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water and leave for about 1 hour, and then filter. Take ½ cup 5-6 times a day.

It should be understood that no remedy is able to eliminate the causes of osteoarthritis and completely get rid of the disease. Unfortunately, this disease is not treatable and all the measures used only contribute to the reduction of symptoms. And in order for the therapy to give maximum results, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.